Public Speaking

How To: Boost Your Public Speaking Skills

06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
140 Victoria Embankment, Westminster, London SW1A, UK
Event Speaker

Prof. Michael Hinley

Manchester University Lecturer

You are an introvert, you know that, already. You dread the day when you stand in front of an audience even if the size is just 5 breathing souls and a dog. As a matter of fact, just the thought of it makes you cringe and want to go hiding. But, chances are, if you want to promote your business to the next level, you’ll have to stand in front of a podium once, or twice.

That’s the very reason why we’re discussing this topic today. You need to eradicate the fear, and focus on how you can deliver your speech in an effective manner. It might not be perfect like some people will expect, but, the important thing is — you can deliver the goods. Yes, you’re shy and nervous, but with some tips, you might even enjoy the talk yourself, and learn some things you can’t get from other experiences.

Below is a post from the site growing your biz which can help you weather the storm that is public speaking. (If that’s the way you look at it).

As a micro business owner, you are the ambassador of your brand, and chances are if you want to be successful, you’re going to have to stand behind a podium or two in your career. But if you are an introvert, and the very thought of speaking to a group of people makes you want to hide, what should you do? In truth, people who are fantastic public speakers are not super human, they simply work hard and know how to emphasize what they already do well. You can do this, too!

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